The prosecutor’s office threatens Sevinj Sadigova and a number of media

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The Prosecutor General’s Office of the country warned Sevinj Sadigova, the wife of the convicted editor of the Azel.Tv website Afgan Sadigov, for spreading false information.

The message of the Prosecutor General’s Office reads that such information is called slander in relation to the state security bodies and other state structures “forming false public opinion.”

In this regard, the Prosecutor General’s Office calls on the media not to publish such information, and warns Sevinj Sadigova about responsibility if such actions continue.

Afgan Sadigov was arrested in 2020 on charges of accepting a 10,000 manat bribe together with Sakit Muradov, editor of the website However, only Afghan Sadigov was convicted on this fact. He was imprisoned for 7 years. After the Court of Appeal refused to release him, Afgan Sadigov went on a hunger strike on November 3. After some time, the doctors transferred him to artificial nutrition.

In recent days, Sevinj Sadigova has come up with a series of statements on social networks and the media, alleging blackmail by law enforcement agencies who have installed a video camera in her bathroom.

“They threaten me with the dissemination of my intimate videos, believing that in this way they will intimidate me,” S. Sadigova said. According to her, she is under pressure to force her husband to end his hunger strike. However, Sadigova supports her husband, who has resorted to a hunger strike. After that, Sadigova began to be threatened. “It was hinted to me that my child“ could fall from the 16th floor, ”she noted.


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