[:en]Hearings of Witnesses in Trial of Elina Hajiyeva’s Death[:]

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[:en]On the afternoon of September 18, only journalists were allowed to trial on the death of Elina Hajiyeva. Representatives of the public were not allowed into the hall.

The head of the juvenile affairs department of the Sabail district police department, Asad Umumbayev, was heard as witness. He said that on April 4, learning about the accident at school number 162, he went there.

“When I arrived there, the girl was lying on the sofa in the principal”s office. They told me that she had drunk some medicine. There was a school nurse. Then came Khalida Bayramova (head of the Board of Trusteeship and deputy head of Sabail Executive). When I found out that the girl was receiving first aid not from a doctor, but from a nurse, I said they should call an ambulance. Khalida Bayramova said she would call them because the head doctor was her friend and so it would be faster,” the police employee said.

Umumbayev added that when he asked about the ambulance, the principal of the school, Sevinj Abbasova, said “there is a doctor in the school.”

Another witness, the district juvenile inspector of the 8th branch of the Sabail police, Parvan Safarova, reported that when she arrived at the school in connection with information about the accident, the girl was lying on the sofa in the principal”s office and there was a doctor nearby.

“But when I asked, they answered that it was a nurse. She examined the girl and did not reveal any serious injuries. However, her blood pressure dropped to 70/50. When we wanted to call an ambulance, Khalida Bayramova said she had already called them. And the school principal said the school doctor had already examined the girl and there was no need for other doctors.

I called Elina’s parents. The school principal informed me that Elina took the medicine ketotifen,” said Inspector Safarova.

According to her, the school regularly had problems and there were many complaints from the parents and the principal. “In December, Elina’s mother came, who wrote that a 17-year-old schoolboy threatened her daughter and blackmailed her. I invited the 17-year-old student and his mother. However, the next morning, Elina”s mother took the statement back,” Safarova said.

Elina’s aunt Arzu Aliyeva reported that her daughter was in the same school. According to A. Aliyeva, the girls once went to complain to the deputy principal Lala Arifovna, but she told them that she would not create problems with Grade 11 because of Elina.

The daughter of A. Aliyeva, Elina’s cousin, said that after they and Elina were transferred to school number 162, the local children began to torment them. According to her, classmates, as well as students of Grades 9, 10 and 11, mocked Elina. Boys from other schools also came to their school. One of them even tried to behave obscenely towards Elina. According to the girl, despite their complaints, no one reacted to this.

Another cousin of Elina also spoke about the oppression of her by other students. She confirmed that the complaints to the principal and deputy principal were inconclusive.

The trial will continue on September 19.


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