[:en]Two Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan activists were detained at the entrance to Ali Karimli’s house[:]

tərəfindən Gozetci

[:en]An activist of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA), an employee of the Azadlig newspaper Saadat Jahangir and deputy chairman of the Higher Mejlis of this organization, Irada Nariman, were detained today at the entrance to the house where the PFPA leader Ali Kerimli lives.

“I was going to prepare an article about the 55th anniversary of Ali Karimli. I was with Irada Nariman, who had SMS permission to leave the house. Around 12.00, when we entered the entrance of the house where Ali Karimli lives, we were attacked by 4 people in civilian clothes. They demanded that we go with them. Despite our insistent demands, these people in civilian clothes did not introduce themselves, ”Jahangir told Turan.

Women were taken to the 21st department of the Nasimi district police department.

“Although there was no ill-treatment in the department, we were nevertheless kept until 16.00 and released a fine of 100 manat for violating the quarantine regime. And this is despite the fact that I presented a journalistic certificate (journalists do not need to request permission to leave the house), and Irada Nariman – an SMS permit, ”Jahangir said.


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