[:en]Activists of the Popular Front hold a rally in front of the Ministry of Internal Affairs[:]

tərəfindən Gozetci

[:en]Twenty women activists of the Popular Front party held a rally in front of the Ministry of Internal Affairs building on Friday afternoon. They demanded to release the deputy chair of the Popular Front Party, Mammad Ibrahim, who was arrested on the eve of 10 days.

A few minutes later, police orders drove women away from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the rally was not stopped. Marching along the street, the women chanted: “Freedom to Mammad Ibrahim!”; “Resign!”; “Ilham, get out!”

The police used force against the participants, but could not silence them. Two women received blows from the police in the face, but did not shut up. The police could only pick up and tear up posters depicting the arrested person.

To the demands to stop “insults to the authorities”, the women refused, I continue to chant “Resign!” and “Get out!”.

In total, the action lasted about half an hour. There is no information about the detainees.

Mammad Ibrahim was detained on February 26, when he was going to the doctor with a kidney attack. The police did not miss his car, which caused a conflict with the police.


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