On 25 November Sevinj Sadigova managed to meet in the Kurdakhan pre-trial detention center with her husband, head of the Azel.Tv website Afgan Sadigov, who has been on a hunger strike for 22 days in protest against the unfair sentence.
After the meeting, S. Sadigova told reporters that her husband had also refused to take liquids since the 20th day of the hunger strike.
“The health of Afgan, who is in the medical center of the pre-trial detention center, is grave. He can no longer walk. Doctors announced the threat of kidney poisoning. Afghan refused the offer of doctors to inject him with a dropper. Afghan said that either he will be released from prison dead or rehabilitated,” S. Sadigova said.
The attempts to obtain comments from the Penitentiary Service were futile.
** Afghan Sadigov was arrested on charges of extortion through threats in May this year. On November 3, the court sentenced him to seven years in prison. He went on a hunger strike on November 4 to protest the sentence.