[:en]The chairman of the youth committee of the Yasamal district organization of the Popular Front Party, Maharram Rzayev, was detained on February 21 by persons in civilian clothes in the Lachin Shopping Center.
The activist”s family was told by the Nizami District Police Department he was arrested administratively, without specifying what his fault was and what the period of his arrest was.
In turn, the head of the D18 Movement Ruslan Izzetli said that on February 19 in a building of the Public Administration Academy, people in civilian clothes detained a member of the governing board of the Nationalist Youth Organization, Zakir Karimli. By the decision of the Yasamal district police, he was arrested for 15 days.
The authorities do not comment on reports of arrests of opposition activists.
[:az]Fevralın 21-də AXCP Yasamal Rayon Gənclər Komitəsinin sədri Məhərrəm Rzayev “Laçın” Ticarət Mərkəzində mülki geyimli şəxslər tərəfindən saxlanılıb.
Nizami Rayon Polis İdarəsindən fəalın ailəsinə deyiblər ki, o, inzibati qaydada həbs edilib. Amma fəalın nədə günahlandırıldığını və neçə sutka həbs cəzası aldığını açıqlamayıblar.